Dixit – The Game Everyone Likes
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

We finally managed to try the much vaunted Dixit and let’s immediately start by saying that its 7 million copies sold have a reason. But let’s go in order.
Dixit was born in 2002 from an idea of a child psychiatrist in Poitiers, Jean-Louis Roubira. The latter has the habit of cutting out images from children’s magazines, largely attributable to the works of Charles Perrault; images that he usually re-uses during his psychotherapies.
Luck does not smile at the game, which at first is not even called Dixit. No production company gives credit to its creator, because Dixit is considered too intellectual; not to mention the copyright to be paid for the images. Roubira then starts looking for an illustrator. A friend of his introduces him to Marie Cardouat, an illustrator of children’s books, and in the end the game is produced by Libellud, a publishing house that was born thanks to Dixit. It is 2008.

Dixit’s Rules
- Each player chooses one rabbit and place it on the 0 space of the scoring track. Shuffle the 84 images and give 6 of them to each player. Make a draw pile with the remaining cards.
- One player is the storyteller for the turn. He looks at the 6 images in his hand. From one of these, he makes up a sentence and says it out loud (without showing the card to the other players).
The sentence can take different forms: it can be made of one word or more, it can even be a sound. The sentence can be either invented or be inspired from an existing work of art (poetry or song sample, movie title, proverb, etc). - The other players select amongst their 6 images the one that best matches the sentence made up by the storyteller.
Then, each of them gives their selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others. - The storyteller shuffles his card with all the received cards. He then randomly places them face up on the table. The card on the left will be number 1, the one next to it will be number 2, and so on…
- The goal of the other players is to find which image is from the storyteller amongst the displayed ones. Each player secretly votes for the card that he believes belongs to the storyteller (who doesn’t vote).
To do so, he places face down in front of him the voting dashboard corresponding to the image he voted for. Once everybody has voted, all the voting dashboards are revealed.
Note: You’re not allowed to vote for your own image.

The Score
If ALL the players have found the storyteller’s image, or if NONE have found it, then the storyteller doesn’t score any points and everyone else scores 2 points.
In any other case, the storyteller scores 3 points and so do the players who found his image.
Each player, except the storyteller, scores one point for each vote that was placed on his or her image.
The players move their rabbits along the scoring track by the same number of spaces as points scored.
Purpose of the Game
The Storyteller must pronounce a word, a phrase or a description that are related to the chosen card but not too clearly: in fact both in the case in which everyone guesses his card, and in which no one guesses it, he will not receive any point.
The first player to accumulate 30 points wins the game.
Our Conclusions
We have played it in four, five and six players and the first piece of advice we feel like giving you is that “the more you are, the more you have fun”. The game is truly suitable for all types of players and all ages. We have no doubt in saying that Dixit should have its own space in everyone’s homes next to the great classics such as Monopoli and Risiko. We recommend it to, practically, everyone and especially to those who want to introduce newbies to the world of Board Games.
In addition to the standalone game, we report all the expansions released to date.
As usual, we thank you for being here and, if Dixit intrigues you, we invite you to buy it by clicking on the images below. At no additional cost, you will make us feel your love and contribute to the growth of our platform. See you next time!