Resident Evil 8 “Village”
Un Resident Evil nel Medioevo?

For one clarification, I do not know precisely when the game will be revealed. I do know the original ideas was it was going to be revealed at this E3, but of course that's not happening now. The later this month comment is something different than an official announcement.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 4, 2020
- Nessuna Data di Rilascio ma il gioco sarebbe stato presentato all’E3 se l’evento di Los Angeles non fosse stato cancellato a causa del Coronavirus.
Okay, so the little game is done. This will be breaking this month with more details later not by myself, but I've needed to clear some stuff up. "Resident Evil 2021" is Resident Evil 8, but it wasn't always RE8. During most of its development it existed as Revelations 3.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 4, 2020
- Il titolo di questo nuovo capitolo della saga sarà Resident Evil 8 ma non è stato sempre così, in fase di sviluppo pare si chiamasse Revelations 3.

One other thing, I know on paper "Occultism", "Hallucinations", etc., may sound Silent Hill-esque to some, but in practice the actual game won't really be like that at all. Hell, the one gameplay sequence in the game that's been more fully leaked due to the Ambassador tests is a
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 5, 2020
sequence where you're in a village with multiple routes trying to make your way to a Castle, being attacked by Beast Men, zombies in armor with swords, and a Witch that laughs a lot. The Witch is unkillable but turns into a swarm of insects if you shoot at her enough, the swarm
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 5, 2020
of enemies is way too much for you to handle and in the sequence you barricade and push through trying to get to the safety of the castle. It's not a very psychological horror sequence at all, but the game is paced to mix up more intense sequences with quieter moments. It should
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 5, 2020
still very clearly be a Resident Evil game, just a different kind of Resident Evil game tackling some different things than they usually do.
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) April 5, 2020
Un villaggio con una strada che porta a un castello, uomini bestia, zombies con spade in armatura, una strega che si trasforma in uno sciame di insetti! Magari non il solito Resident Evil ma sinceramente dopo queste rivelazioni noi non stiamo più nella pelle in attesa della conferma da parte di Capcom.